Write What You Know: Book Recommendations
Poet Alarie Tennille reviews and recommends five favorite books she read in 2020.
Pirates, Paintings, and Poems
Like you, poet Alarie Tennille didn’t much enjoy the 2020 pandemic and quarantine. Why not try joining a pirate crew at least for a change of scenery. Include video to Alarie’s Zoom reading at The Writers Place on July 23, 2020.
My Corona Hideaway
Poet Alarie Tennille doubts any one enjoyed the COVID quarantine, but there was some comfort in sharing misery and finding new ways to cope and entertain ourselves. Perhaps reviewing what it was like will make us more thankful for how far we’ve come. Includes the poem Self-Portrait in Quarantine.
It Started with Storybooks
How did her first storybooks shape the life of Alarie Tennille? If you guessed they made her an avid reader and a writer, you are partially right. Includes artwork by Richard Eric Disney, thank you to Lorette C. Luzajic for giving Alarie the first Editor’s Choice Fantastic Ekphrastic Award, plus Alarie’s poem Angel of Showing Up.
When Art Inspires Words: Ekphrastic Poetry
Poet Alarie Tennille is a regular contributor to The Ekphrastic Review, and is pleased to have the opportunity to introduce Lorette C. Luzajic, the Review’s editor and founder.
Who’s Talking?
Most writers are known for having a voice, but poet Alarie Tennille believes there are many good reasons to speak as someone else. Please stop by to read her poem, A Seagull Vaguely Remembers.
Glowing with Gratitude
Poet Alarie Tennille and her husband have been sponsors of Amethyst Place for a few years. When they went there to give a workshops on writing thank you notes, they came home feeling grateful.
I Write by Night
Alarie Tennille is a night owl poet. The darkness of night feeds her own dark side, but her muse, Luna, makes sure she layers some humor and wit between the lines. Includes her poem, Waking in the Morgue.
Dear Writer
Have two or three favorite writers? Poet Alarie Tennille recommends dropping a line to let them them know, but please read her guidelines first.